The lumbar spine, or L1-L5, is the lower-most vertebra of your spine. Childs Pose to Half-Cobra Pose Balasana to Ardha Bhujangasana Cat/Cow Pose Marjariasana/Bitilasana Puppy Pose Uttana Shishosana Roll blankets […]
The Yoga Sutras
The Yoga Sutras: 4 States of Conciousness
The Yoga Sutras: Kaivalya Pada
Absoluteness or Truth
The Yoga Sutras: Vibhuti Pada
Unlocking psychic powers.
The Yoga Sutras: The Kleshas
Blocked Sinuses Pranayama Breathing Exercises
Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique that not only helps open the nasal passageways if you have a sinus blockage but also settles the […]