Reiki & Energy Sessions – Kansas City
What happens during a ‘Just Innergy’ session?
Great question! If you have never experienced an energy session – Reiki, Intuitive, what have you – this is a very common question. ‘Just Innergy’ sessions are just a little bit different. I use a combination of meditation, Reiki, make-believe, play, intuitive insight, your energy, my energy, yoga therapy, aromatherapy, sound therapy, and a few other modalities you can learn more about here. Whew, that’s a bunch of stuff!!!

As mentioned aforehand, a ‘Just Innergy’ session is not just Reiki.
It is a tool that I utilize to better connect with your energy. The cool thing about Reiki is that it’s almost as healing for me as it will be for you. Reiki isn’t about ME fixing YOU – it’s about an exchange of energy. I offer my energy to the energy centers within YOU that need a little boost or to be unblocked. In a way, YOU do the same thing for ME! Sweet, huh?
I wish I could tell you that there was a formula that all energy healers use when conducting a session but there really is no particular formula or recipe…such is the nature of the energy within.
Personally, I really like it that way!
Getting to know ‘You‘ consultation.
My sessions start with a 15-30 minute phone consultation. By the way, I am not married to the clock so it could run longer or shorter – just a heads up. I like to get to know a little bit more about YOU.
It isn’t just about chit-chatting, get-to-know-you stuff but more about our exchange of energy. Usually, pretty soon into the call – I can get a ‘feel’ for the ‘you’ vibe. That could be anything from your tone of voice or messages I receive from whoever is with us energetically at that time (spirit guides, my guardian, your guardian, etc.)
Do I need to do anything to prepare for my energy healing consultation?
Quite literally, go with the flow.
The only thing I ask is that you do a 5-minute grounding meditation. If you aren’t the ‘meditating’ type – totally good. You can just sit in your comfy chair or in bed and just still your mind. Just let go of your thoughts of what you need to do later, what you did before, or whatever pops into your head. Just take some good deep breaths and let it all go.
I don’t have a series of questions that are asked nor do I have a personality profile ‘survey.’ Whatever your energy is at the time of our consultation, I just go with the flow…so to say.

What did she just say???

During our initial consult, I will scribble a few things down on a piece of paper – it could be a doodle of something, words that I receive, or any feelings that come across. Some people call it channeling but I just call it ‘really listening.’ I trust my intuition – even if I say something that seems silly, I try to be as honest and open with you as I can.
Please don’t take offense but it is in my practice to sometimes ‘say something’ that just arises within me. I will remind you of this before our phone consult even starts. If it resonates with you at that time, we can dig a little deeper. If it doesn’t, I just ask that you consider it or ‘keep it in your back pocket’ until our energy session.
If this all just leads to more questions – please just reach out and ask me. There are no silly questions…there’s just, well – not asking.
The ‘Just Innergy’ session – what now?

Just like our consult, I can’t promise you any certain formality EXCEPT that I like to do a ‘grounding‘ guided meditation session before and after. I prefer in-person but am totally comfortable with Zoom or phone. Again, it’s more about what YOU feel comfortable with.
A ‘Just Innergy’ session is something I always like to do, as well as an Oracle reading.
I resonate so much with my Guardian Angel and seek guidance and assistance to best connect with YOU to both clear any blockages or offer energy to the places in your energy sessions that might need a little boost.
With your permission, I will connect with whoever comes through to help us along. Only the ‘spirit’ energies whom resonate with good vibrations and positivity will be invited to join the party.
I also use some sound & aromatherapy during your session if it aligns with your healing. My background is in Yoga Therapy, Ashtanga, and Yogic Philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Right now, you don’t really need to fuss with all of that but if you’d like to learn more about my nerdiness, check out my ‘musings.’ If there is a series of Asanas (physical yoga), mantras, mudras, breathing exercises, or meditation that I sense will help move some energy through your Chakras that can facilitate moving blocked energy, I will give you some recommendations to do at home.
How many Reiki sessions or Innergy sessions will I need to see results?
Another question I hear frequently is, “How many Reiki sessions or Innergy sessions will I need to see results?” Another great question.
That really depends on YOU and how you feel.
Of course, with anything in life – practice makes perfect. If the ‘homework’ is practiced on a regular basis and you’re feeling pretty good but something else arises – maybe it’s time for another session. When you open something that has been blocked for a while, energy (almost like water) will start to permeate and stimulate other energy channels. It’s hard to explain but you’ll probably feel it on your own!
Will I feel any different after a Reiki session?
That really is a good question! I wish I could tell you that you will be 100% healed and a new ‘you’ but I just don’t know. I can guarantee you will feel relaxed. I suggest that you just open your heart, clear any misconceptions, and just be ‘open’ to whatever comes in for you. Namaste, my fellow queens & kings.
What other fun stuff do you offer?
Coming Early Spring 2024 – The Ultimate Wilderness Adult Spiritual Playground!!

Glad you asked! Coming early springtime, we are busy busy busy working on this thing called ‘Inntirety – The Spiritual Path Wilderness Retreat Center’. The best way I can explain it is ‘the ultimate outdoor adult spiritual playground.’
How so? Imagine outdoor aromatherapy forest bathing, a barrel sauna (in the woods!), a little zip line, glamourous camping and some rustic free-range camping, yoga-yoga-yoga, meditation spots, ice baths, creek romping, yummy healthy smoothies, maybe a neato vintage camper to connect with your hippie ancestors, maybe some bonfire dancing…and retreats!
If any of that sounds fun, relaxing, and spiritually aligns with your inner awesome – sign up for our ‘Just Innergy’ newsletter for updates, an event calendar, wellness day sessions, and more.

*I won’t share your information with anyone.

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