This year, look for September’s full Harvest Moon to appear just after sunset on Thursday, September 28. Full Moon in the Sign of Aries.
Harvest Moon, or the first Full Moon after the Autumn Equinox, represents momentum, reminds us that we have a purpose in this life, and inspires us to pursue it will passion, courage, instinct, and fire.
The Autumn Equinox is a celebration of the Earth’s perfect balance of darkness and light. At this time of the final harvest, what fruits of your labor are you harvesting now?
Acknowledge and give thanks to who you are and who you are becoming. This is a naturally reflective time of year. As darkness descends, the archetypal energies of the Enchantress and the Crone guide us through the dark to our intuitive and magical nature. They help us clear away to make new growth in the spring.
Kundanlini Meditation
*45 min asana/pranayama followed by 15 min meditation on platform.
This Kundalini Meditation will connect you with prosperity and balance and prepare to receive the energy of this Fall equinox Moon!
- Honor the beauty, radiance, and light within you
- Tune into your abundance and bounty
- Harness the energy of the Enchantress archetype: bold, magical, creative and transformational
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.
The traditional Kundalini mantra that helps the practitioner connect with the Divine flow and self-knowledge we all possess. 108 repetitions.
Ong Namo means, “I bow to the Divine wisdom of All That Is.” Guru Dev Namo means, “I bow to the Divine teacher within.” This mantra helps center the practitioner for asana or meditation practice and reinforces the connection to the Divine within and universally.
Harvest Moon Mantra.
I am the light of my soul, I am bountiful, I am beautiful, I am bliss. I am, I am, I am.
Pre-Ceremony Preparation Suggestions
What is that thing(s) that absolutely set your soul ablaze?
This is a time for introspection. Think back to a time before responsibilities, obligations, and all of the have-to’s. What sets your soul on fire? Is it swimming, camping, going to an art exhibit, road trips, singing, dancing, painting? Travel back to your childhood – what was something that made your heart sing? Maybe you loved climbing trees, tromping through a creek, catching lightning bugs, sledding, roller coasters, or simply lying on your back and watching the clouds float by?
If it resonates, in your journal – make 2 headings. NOW & CHILDHOOD.
What are your DE’s to RE?
What did you do this summer to DE-stress, DE-compress, DE-tach? In other words, what activities made you feel more connected to yourself? These activities are connected to your ‘soul purpose.’ They bring you back to your ‘true self.’ They help you RE-connect, RE-store, RE-lax, RE-member, RE-align.
Yang. In yoga, the sun, solar energy, and the right side of the body is considered masculine. Masculine energy is fast, warm, energizing, more disciplined.
In your journal, I invite you to reflect on the highlights of summer.
- What were the moments that you felt the happiest and most alive?
- What are some of your achievements?
- What needs to be re-examined, changed or let go of in order to create balance?
Multisensory Engagement Activity Ideas
Earth. Forest bathing. The forest is full of solar lights and fairy lights.
Water. Opportunity for water pad meditation.
Fire. Ceremony around or near the bonfire.
Water. Each woman brings a container of water. They pour this water into one bowl and this water is offered to Grandmother Moon and to the Earth.
Spirit arrow. I ask you to, at home, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically wood or a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent the intentions you want to give back to the Universe. Before we start the silence, we will, together, blow the belief into the spirit arrow, this item will then BECOME our intention(s).
Devi mentioned…staff 🙂
The land has a beautiful clearing – multiple – that you are free to come to explore! There is a fire area just outside of the forest. I have a waterbed set-up outside that I use for supine meditation – it is lit by fire torches and surrounded by herbs and flowers, and a small water feature. So much gratitude and love….
Optional “To Brings”
Shawl, Mala, Blanket, Water, Spirit arrow, paper with what needs to be ‘let go’. (i have a few Malas to share but it isn’t necessary for anyone to bring unless they want to!)
Research Section
The Grandmother Moon
When the moon is full, a woman can do a ceremony to honor and seek guidance from Grandmother Moon. The ceremony can be simple. A woman can sit on the ground and ask Grandmother Moon to replenish her body with new energy.
She takes water with her which she asks the Moon to bless. That water then becomes her medicine.
at the Full Moon ceremony, each woman brings a container of water. They pour this water into one bowl and this water is offered to Grandmother Moon and to the Earth.
I ask you to, at home, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically wood or a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent the intentions you want to give back to the Universe. Before we start the silence, we will, together, blow the belief into the spirit arrow, this item will then BECOME our intention(s).
At the same time, you want to open the heart to receive the energy of the full moon, but then turn that energy inward with postures that support deep contemplation and meditation.

In this aspect we recognize the transcendent functioning of Shakti-kundalini force as that which literally propels our consciousness towards expansion into its divine nature. The gateway to this aspect is found through ecstatic attunement and passion. She is the Dionysus ecstatic priestess who wildly pushes the limits of perceptual constraints and environment, for she knows that within the instinctual nature are the seeds of ecstatic mystical attunement. This aspect embodies the knowledge that ecstasy is an entryway into enlightenment. The depths of this state can be accessed through deep meditation, dancing, writing, and painting. Love making, prayer making, singing, or any activity, which accesses an intense and altered state of consciousness.
This aspect of the Goddess operates from the instinctual wisdom held in her body. She is the fire of vitality, desire, passion and motivation. She follows her instincts and passions without rationalizing and mental approval of the inner critic or for social acceptance. Because of social disapproval of this aspect of the Goddess, in the human shadow, there may be shame and guilt. We are challenged to love and honor this aspect of the Goddess within and in this loving ourselves, to learn to set appropriate boundaries that full honor this aspect.
Shakti dissolves the attachments we have to ideas about who we feel we should be, or who we might not be, which creates a distraction for the mind. Shakti dissolves these ideas and reveals the true self.
This is freedom, and great joy.Now enter into the gateway of Ecstatic Attunement and invite this Shakti, Seiki, Primal Life Force, movement to shake, vibrate, and illuminate.
Shakti Shaking Medicine, Awakening the Sacred Fire Within.
Focus your intention on an image of Shiva/Shakti, it acts like a “magic mirror” it becomes a mirror for your soul to look into. By focusing on our Oneness we return to the realization of our Wholeness. Surrender to the Shake; surrender all the ways the ego mind tries to hold on to control, holding all the masks in place.
By actively shaking the body, with focus, the mental control of the body subsides and the life force( Shakti) begins to shake us free.
Shaking is about building and strengthening your energy, your inner fire. A sign that this is happening is that your body starts heating up and you will break a sweat. In the beginning, building your fire will require that you shake vigorously.
While shaking keep the powerful Shakti Mantra “Adi Shakti Namo Namo,” which tunes into the frequency of the Great Mother, and to the primal protective, is generating energy. Chanting it eliminates fears and fulfills desire. Adi Shakti means the Primal Power, ” Shakti ” All power which creates through God.” As the mind is cleared and the ego blocks burned in the sacred fire the true power of the divine intelligence within begins its ascent to the higher chambers of Divine Mind.
Be grateful as these blocks rise to the surface, keep breathing, shaking, chanting in the mind, and allowing spontaneous movement and sound to take over. Feel gratitude for this opportunity to clear blocks and heal. Some shaking sessions will feel exhilarating other exhausting, greet both with equanimity. Things will come and go in waves, but you will get stronger and stronger over time if you keep shaking no mater what.
Try to feel with your body not with your mind. The mind always wants to understand what is happening so it can stay in control no matter what. Focus on the body not the story the mind is trying to tell.
Laughter will sometimes arise, tears will sometimes arise, let it all be felt and freed.
When the Shakti (bio-electricity) is running our bodies, we become an empty vessel for the energy to work through. As you surrender and allow the energy to ecstatically move you, spinning and spiraling, moving with the energy of the universe, opening the energy centers of the body. Spontaneous laugher can arise offering tremendous healing benefits opening all the body’s charkas for maximum healing.
In this way we awaken the Sacred Fire within us, burn away blocks and heal on a very deep level. Answers come directly through the connection with our Soul.
Now lie on the ground and offer your laughter, your joy, and your ecstatic play practice to the Primal Goddess, setting yourself free to be the primal power, the sensual sexuality that moves you beyond duality. Feel the eternal embrace of the Beloved’s grace.
Shakti Shakit Shakti Ecstasis Divinitus!
As the earth comes into perfect balance on the Autumnal equinox ask yourself: Where do YOU need to balance in your life?
Need: shall
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